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help out mcsm students!

issues that are currently occuring:
Principal Jimenez is still in office. He has been alleged of sexual harassment ever since 2010 up until now. Assistant Principal Felicia Bray alleged that she was a victim of Jimenez' abuse from 2008-2009. More info on her case will be on the next slide!Mr. Perez, a history teacher, at Manhattan Center of Science and Mathematics, was recently fired without any specific reason. He then released a statement on google classroom reading, "Hey everyone so I was low key fired from the school for no reason. I'm attaching a voicemail from assistant Principal Hernandez not being able to explain why he wanted me to quit. This was back in June 2020. Anyway this school does a lot of illegal activities you should all investigate including how many of your teachers have real licenses." Mr. Perez was a hardworking teacher who stood up to things he did not agree with. His AP students received a 5 on their AP's in which Mr. Jimenez declined. He then attached a link to a recording of his and Mr. Jimenez's conversation. In the recording, Mr. Jimenez came off as aggressive, arrogant, and disrespectful. He more so insulted Mr. Perez when his kidney transplant was talked about. Higher faculty such as Mr. Herandez are still in office. Mr. Hernandez who was a dean was highly inclusive with alcholism. During one senior trip, students had been found using drugs, resulting in one student being hospitalized. Mr. Hernandez was the supervisor of this trip; however, he did not receive the blame somehow? More info on him in other slides!Although, Mr. Albetta is no longer a staff at MCSM, his actions were never shed to light, nor did he ever apologize for the things he did. He was disrespectful and completely unprofessional. One of his famous quotes being, “I don’t care what anyone says I’d bang Magee. Have you seen her fucking tits lately? Plus her tattoos mean she’s probably a freak who takes it up the ass!”

Thank you for taking the time to check out this carrd about MCSM! There are currently many speculations on how the school is being run and who specifically it is run by. There are many issues that are present within this school currently that we hope we can resolve.

the shamful culprits that got away

David Jimenez

Dan Albetta

issues involving mr. jimenez!

writings with quotes were not written by me. i will be giving credit with all the websites used in this card later on!

"In a nutshell, Felicia Bray was the AP of Organization and later demoted to AP of Phys Ed. After spurning several sexual affronts from Principal Jimenez she decided to take action by gathering evidence to support her claim. During this process Mr. Jimenez soured on her and was eager to make a vacancy available for his henchman Mr. Albetta.
Here is how this debacle began:

Coach Leon put in a considerably large equipment request that would have cost the school 10,000.00 dollars. When he submitted to Felicia Bray, The treasurer, she ran it by Mr. Jimenez verbally in front of Mr. Leon. Mr. Jimenez agreed to the request. When the bill arrived for the equipment Mr. Jimenez backpedalled and claimed he never authorized such a purchase. Since it was a verbal agreement he called in Mr. Albetta who was just recently appointed to Athletic Director. Mr. Albetta conjured up a statement claiming that the order should have passsed through him first since he was the Athletic Director. He also stated in writing that he never received the purchase order and thus Mr. Jimenez had the documentation he needed to remove Felicia Bray. Conveniently, just 2 weeks later Mr. Albetta was hired as an Assistant Principal as he and Mr. Jimenez colluded illegally to create the vacancy by removing Felicia Bray. Ms. Bray filed a lawsuit and it can be found online if you search for the case files."
Felicia Bray alleged that Mr. Jimenez had been sexually assaulting her. Our principal, Mr. David Jimenez has been on the news for his sexual harassment allegations back in 2010-2018. He was included in the #MeToo movement twice. Assistant Principal Felicia Bray had alleged that she was a victim of Jimenez's abuse from 2008-2009. According to NY Post, Susan Edelman, author of the report, claims, "According to her suit, the harassment started when Jimenez touched her hand and told her he liked her. She replied that it made her uncomfortable and that she wanted to keep their relationship professional. But he still pursued her aggressively, she alleged." It also states, in Ms.Bray's own words, "In his office, Jimenez,' grabbed me from behind and tried to feel up my breasts,' she testified in a deposition. I was wrestling with him and started to cry, 'What are you doing?' I was screaming. After five minutes, he finally stopped. when a janitor knocked on the door, she said. 'He told me to hide in the bathroom." It also states, "Another time, according to her publicly filed deposition transcript, he followed her car in his, honking the horn, and demanding he pull over and join him. In a health office, Jimenez asked Bray to open a desk drawer. It contained a fake penis used in sex-ed classes to demonstrate condom use."

-The Illegal Excessing of Ms. Chiavola & Ms. Martinez

Continuing on the same note the teachers mentioned above were also illegally excessed. Both teahers were outstanding in the classroom and Mr. Jimenez was very open about his frontal assault on the English Department. He constantly told others how disappointed he was in their test scores and considered English to be his worst department in the school. What he failed to realize was it was not because of poor teaching. It was because of poor leadership. The AP of the English Department was Ms, Bonnick. Mr. Jimenez basically made her a lame duck AP. He stripped her of her duties to observe and rate teachers and gave those responsibilities to newly hired AP Denise Winchester who was a crony from the very inception of her employment at MCSM. Basically, Jimenez was now in control of the English Department. So the failures of that department fall squarely on his shoulders although to an outsider it would seem that it was Ms. Bonnick who was the failure which was what Mr. Jimenez wanted everyone to believe.

-The Ostracizing of Ms. Bonnick

I began to touch upon this topic because it was related to what happened to the English Department. It was very clear that Mr. Jimenez wanted English to fail so he could completely renovate the entire department from the top to the bottom and he tried his best. Ms. Bonnick and Mr. Jimenez never spoke. They had no communication whatsoever. She stayed in her office and followed his protocols which were illegal and non-conducive to student success. There was nothing she could do. It was clear Jimenez wanted her to retire but she would not go without keeping her dignity. She did all she could to protect her teachers but her all was not enough under the insurmountable authority of Principal Jimenez. Her veteran and young teachers were under attack from the administration from all angles. Eventually she left but the English department remains in shambles. I could go into what should have been done to support the English Department but it would take too long. I would simply say in a school of 1700 student enrollment with 80% Hispanic demographic it was very clear they needed additional ESL and ELL support as well as better class scheduling to foster a more positive approach to bringing the English Department Testing performance to a better outcome. This never happened and it was all part of a plan to hijack the department and implant loyal supporters of Jimenez there in lieu of great teachers.

More info is in this website:

issues involving mr. albetta

writings with quotes were not written by me. i will be giving credit with all the websites used in this carrd later on!

Although, Mr. Jimenez is not the only person involved with such scandals. Dan Albetta, who I believe does not work with the school anymore has also said some slurs/statements that he can not resign. Mr. Albetta was very inappropriate in school and has had several of issues with multiple teachers. In this website that I will link shortly at the end of this carrd, you can find some of his quotes that were said, this was evidence from 2013, it states, "Can’t cum inside no pussy? What are you? A fag?" “You know why Weinfeld has all the jobs he has? Because he’s a greedy fucking jew.” “Doing cocaine is the best feeling in the whole world. I always keep a bag of coke and some weed in my sock drawer. We should do some coke together one day, on me” “I don’t understand anything that stupid fucking Jamaican says, He’s the first person I’m gonna get. It’s just a matter of time. He’s so fuckin’ dumb it will be so easy” “Jaywana Bradley? She’s a ghetto black dyke bitch. Be careful messing with her.” These are only a few of the 42 quotes that were listed in the website. However, I am disgusted by this particular quote which is directed at a teacher that still works at MCSM to this day, it states, “I don’t care what anyone says I’d bang Magee. Have you seen her fucking tits lately? Plus her tattoos mean she’s probably a freak who takes it up the ass!”

More info on Mr. Albetta in this website:

here are a few more of his famous quotes:

“I’m going to need you to distance yourself from this union. Otherwise, I can’t guarantee that you’ll be here next September.”
“This is my department now. The first thing I’m going to do is get rid of that stupid fucking Jamaican.” [On his first day as AP of P.E.]
“I don’t understand anything that stupid fucking Jamaican says, He’s the first person I’m gonna get. It’s just a matter of time. He’s so fuckin’ dumb it will be so easy”
“The rumor has it that you are the next Peter Sell. You don’t want to be like one of these fucking hippies like Mr. Brooks or Bob McCue.”
“I need you to chill out with these emails. When I become principal in 4 or 5 years you can have my job but for now stop writing emails, those things are public record.”
“Excuse me. Are you threatening me?” – Said to a man walking away from him who verbally requested a meeting in a calm demeanor.
“I don’t want you to continue this investigation. We are not the FBI. We are in the business of education.” Um, I thought investigations were part of getting to the truth of a crisis? I guess that means nothing to Albastard.
“Crystal Brown is a dumb incompetent [n word w/ hard r]. She owes me money from last year for coaching. Just like all black people, you never get what they owe you when it comes to money.”

we should prioritize sending emails to nyc governors and mayors for help! here is something i wrote for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and you can too, if we spam her, there is a chance that she can see it!

Hi Ms. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,

I am not sure if you remember but you once visited my middle school, I.S 230, located in Jackson Heights. I am a big fan of your work and you are truly one of my role models, you give such a bright image to girls like me who plan to do something big in their lives. Currently, I am in need of your help, many students have written letters to the Mayor over the years; however, nothing has changed. I am embarrassed to be in a school with this reputation, recently, one of my senior colleague's had a college interview in which the interviewer had question her on whether or not our school was the one held responsible of the principal having a sexual harassment issue. Recently, one of our school's history teachers, Mr. Perez, was fired for no reason. Mr. Perez stood up to things that he did not agree with, he would keep up with his students and make sure that we were on task. His AP history class scored high 5's on their AP test; however, Mr. Jimenez disagreed with the statement. Mr. Perez left a google classroom comment that stated, "Hey everyone so I was low key fired from the school for no reason. I'm attaching a voicemail from assistant Principal Hernandez not being able to explain why he wanted me to quit. This was back in June 2020. Anyway this school does a lot of illegal activities you should all investigate including how many of your teachers have real licenses." He then attached a voicemail that included his conversation with Mr. Hernandez in which Mr. Hernandez seemed to express an aggressive tone while Mr. Perez was being submissive. The recording is about 10 minutes long, most students at our school have already listened to this recording and are upset with the way things are running at our school. Our principal, Mr. David Jimenez has been on the news for his sexual harassment allegations back in 2010-2018. He was included in the #MeToo movement twice. Assistant Principal Felicia Bray had alleged that she was a victim of Jimenez' abuse from 2008-2009. According to NY Post, Susan Edelman, author of the report, claims, "According to her suit, the harassment stated when Jimenez touched her hand and told her he liked her. She replied that it made her uncomfortable, and that she wanted to keep their relationship professional. But he still pursued her aggressively, she alleged." It also states, in Ms.Bray's own words, "In his office, Jimenez,'grabbed me from behind and tried to feel up my breasts,' she testified in a deposition . I. was wrestling with him and started to cry, 'What are you doing?' I was screaming. After five minutes, he finally stopped. when a janitor knocked on the door, she said. 'He told me to hide in the bathroom." As you can see, Ms. Cortez, this is far beyond professional especially in a school. It is the first thing you see when you search up MCSM, when I was first coming into the school last year, I recall searching my school up to see its photos. However, I came across this article instead. Mr. Jimenez was somewhat able to get away with it and is still the school's present Principal. I have heard from some teachers last year, who shall remain unnamed, that they were uncomfortable with Mr. Jimenez. They would often avoid the question or daze off in an awkward state when I would ask questions related to Mr. Jimenez' case. It also states, "Another time, according to her publicly filed deposition transcript, he followed her car in his, honking the horn, and demanding he pull over and join him. In a health office, Jimenez asked Bray to open a desk drawer. It contained a fake penis used in sex-ed classes to demonstrate condom use." Most students at the school honestly feel as if Mr. Jimenez is doing some sort of illegal trade to get money to get the law off of his back. Although, Mr. Jimenez is not the only person involved with such scandals. Dan Albetta, who I believe does not work with the school anymore has also said some slurs/statements that he can not resign. Mr. Albetta was very inappropriate in school and has had several of issues with multiple teachers. In this website that I will link shortly at the end of this letter, you can find some of his quotes that were said, this was evidence from 2013, it states, "Can’t cum inside no pussy? What are you? A fag?" “You know why Weinfeld has all the jobs he has? Because he’s a greedy fucking jew.” “Doing cocaine is the best feeling in the whole world. I always keep a bag of coke and some weed in my sock drawer. We should do some coke together one day, on me” “I don’t understand anything that stupid fucking Jamaican says, He’s the first person I’m gonna get. It’s just a matter of time. He’s so fuckin’ dumb it will be so easy” “Jaywana Bradley? She’s a ghetto black dyke bitch. Be careful messing with her.” These are only a few of the 42 quotes that were listed in the website. However, I am disgusted by this particular quote which is directed at a teacher that still works at MCSM to this day, it states, “I don’t care what anyone says I’d bang Magee. Have you seen her fucking tits lately? Plus her tattoos mean she’s probably a freak who takes it up the ass!” I am only a sophomore so I do not know if Mr. Albetta is still presently working at my school. Mr. Hernandez is also on this website for his quotes that were used, along with his own personal issues that he had with the school. The students are sick of this mistreatment, we don't feel comfortable having such kind of a principal running our school. In another website, titled "MCSM CORRUPTION," the author lists a numerous amount of incidents that were never investigated. For instance, one of the incidents was that "On one occasion, a former dean, called a special education African-American student, "Trayvon Martin" in the boy's locker room in the spring of 2012. There were over fifty witnesses. The student told his parents and it was reported to guidance who reported it to the principal. No disciplinary action was taken against this dean who obviously violated the chancellor's regulations by making inappropriate racial slurs to a student without provocation whatsoever." Another one being, The same former dean mentioned above, obsessively stalked an attractive fourteen year old female student for months in hallways and staircases. The harassment was so incessant the student called the police into the matter and has since transferred out of the school. This dean however, was never investigated or reprimanded by the principal." There are 14 incidents that are listed on this website which is beyond humiliating. If anyone can do anything I believe it is you Ms. Cortez. Please contact. me or respond as soon as you get the chance, as I know you are one busy woman! Congrats on your win, I hope you are doing great throughout these rough times. Please contact me through the Instagram account @mcsmissues. Please shed light on this and allow the students to gain the justice they deserve. Have a great day!


i am sure that these websites will prove to be more useful than me continuing to speak so here are the websites with all the info!